Ray Anton

Steering Group Member

Ray Anton has a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of California at Berkeley.  He also has a Master in Management from Redlands University in California.  Ray also completed the requirements as a Chartered Member of the New Zealand Institute of Directors.  

Ray’s career saw him working as a consultant, manager and chief executive over a period of 45 years.  This included consultancy firm KPMG Peat Marwrick where he worked in California and also contracted by the NZ Ministry of Health.  He has also consulted in Saudi Arabia.  His recent role as Chief Executive of Clutha Health First in Balclutha concluded with his retirement in 2022 after 21 years in the role.  During his time, Clutha Health First developed a fully integrated health service for the Clutha Community.

Ray’s involvement in Governance included being Chair at two different high schools, president of the Otago Southland Employers Association, Director on the Rural General Practice Network, Chair of the Rural Hospital Network, and currently member of the Board and Treasurer for Hauora Taiwhenua Rural Health Network.  He is also on the Board of Ashburn Clinic in Dunedin.

Ray is married with four children located both in Dunedin and Melbourne.