Downloads- Concordance files

Tēnā Koutou,

Using the GCH to undertake health data analysis 

Our long-term aim is the comprehensive and accurate understanding of urban: rural variation in health outcomes and healthcare utilization at both national and regional levels. This is best achieved by the widespread uptake of the GCH by health researchers and health policymakers. 

The GCH is straightforward to use and most users will only need the relevant concordance file. 

Statistical Area 1s (SA1s, small statistical areas which are the output geography for population data) were used as the building blocks for the GCH and are the preferred small areas when undertaking the analysis of health data using the GCH. It is however appreciated that a lot of health data is not available at the SA1 level and GCH concordance files are also available for Domicile (Census Area Units, CAU) and Statistical Area 2s (SA2) and Meshblock. The concordance files are in Excel format.

If you need additional help or have any feedback on the GCH please contact us.

Scroll down to see Concordance files for download.

These concordance files use the 2018 census data. If you have time please let us know how you have utilized the GCH in your research, Thank you.

1. GCH: SA1 Concordance File


2. GCH: SA2 Concordance file


3. GCH: Domicile Concordance File


Notes for Users:
This file has been designed specifically to add GCH to the Ministry of Health (MoH) datasets containing Domicile codes. Use this file if your dataset contains only Domicile codes. If your dataset also contains Meshblock codes, then use the MoH Meshblock to GCH concordance file. This file includes 2006 and 2013 domicile codes. The 2013 domiciles are still current as of 2022, and this file will still work well with data outside those years. Domicile boundaries do not align well with SA1 boundaries, and longitudinal health data usually contains some older Domiciles which have been phased out and replaced with multiple smaller Domiciles. These deprecated Domiciles may overlap multiple SA1s. Usually, all such SA1s belong to the same GCH category. Occasionally, a Domicile will overlap more than one GCH category. When this happens, we have assigned the GCH category to which the majority of people living in that Domicile belong. By necessity, this will allocate a minority of people in those Domiciles to a GCH category to which they do not belong.

4.GCH Meshblock Concordance file


Notes for users:
This file has been designed specifically to add GCH to Ministry of Health (MoH) datasets containing Meshblock codes. This file includes 2018, 2013, 2006, and 2001 Meshblock codes, but will still work well with data outside those years. Meshblock boundaries from census 2018 fit perfectly and completely within the Statistics New Zealand Statistical Area 1s (SA1) boundaries on which GCH is based. However, longitudinal health data usually contains some older Meshblocks which have been phased out and replaced by multiple smaller Meshblocks. These deprecated Meshblocks may overlap multiple SA1s. Usually, all such SA1s belong to the same GCH category. Occasionally, a Meshblock will overlap more than one GCH category. When this happens, we have assigned the GCH category to which the majority of people living in that Meshblock belong. By necessity, this will allocate a minority of people in those Meshblocks to a GCH category to which they do not belong.