
Sunset in the Hokianga

Rural-urban variation in the utilisation of publicly funded health care services : an age stratified population-level observational study. 2024.

Comparing age-stratified public health service utilisation in Aotearoa New Zealand across the rural- urban spectrum.


Rural-urban variation in COVID-19 vaccination uptake in Aotearoa New Zealand: Examining the national rollout. 2023

To understand the rural-urban differences in the uptake of the COVID-19 vaccinations during the peak period of the national vaccination rollout in New Zealand.

Comparison of urban and rural mortality rates across the lifespan in Aotearoa/New Zealand: a population-level study. 2023.

A study comparing mortality data in rural and urban populations using the GCH.

Unmasking hidden disparities : a comparative observational study examining the impact of different rurality classifications for health research in Aotearoa New Zealand. 2023

Reviewing three different rurality classifications:  UREP (Urban-rural experimental profile ) and UA ( Urban accessability) and the GCH.

 A novel geographic classification for health purposes. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2022

This publication describes the GCH including its development and validation. 

Whitehead, J., Davie, G., de Graaf, B., Crengle, S., Fearnley, D., Smith, M., Lawrenson, R., &  Nixon, G. Defining rural in Aotearoa New Zealand: A novel geographic classification for health purposes. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2022, Aug 5; 135(1559) ISSN 1175-8716 ©PMA

 Mortality outcomes and inequities experienced by rural Maori in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Lancet Regional Health- Western Pacific. (open access, PDF)

This paper uses contemporary mortality data to examine Māori and non-Māori mortality rates in rural and urban areas.

Crengle, S., Davie, G., Whitehead, J., de Graaf, B., Lawrenson, R., & Nixon, G. (2022). Mortality outcomes and inequities experienced by rural Māori in Aotearoa New Zealand. The Lancet Regional Health – Western Pacific, 28.00570. doi:

Policy Brief: The Geographic Classification for Health: A fit-for-purpose rurality classification. (PDF)

Overview of the GCH research and recommendations for utilization in health research and policy.

 Australian Journal of Rural Health. (PDF)

The publication presents the rationale for developing the GCH and protocol used in its development. 

Nixon G, Whitehead J, Davie G, Fearnley D, Crengle S, de Graaf B, Smith M, Wakerman, J & Lawrenson R.  Developing the geographic classification for health, a rural-urban classification for New Zealand health research and policy: A research protocol. Australian Journal Rural Health. 2021;00:1-8. 

 Technical Report. (PDF)

This technical report describes in detail the GCH and the methodology underpinning it.  

Whitehead, J., Davie,G., de Graaf, B., Crengle, S., Smith, M., Fearnley, D., Farrell, N., & Nixon, G. (2021). The Geographic Classification for Health, Methodology and classification report, May 2021. 

Lake Wanaka near the neck on the road to Makaroa.

Articles of interest:

1. ‘Poorly defined’: unknown unknowns in New Zealand Rural Health.” (PDF) 

This paper describes the problems with the traditional methods of defining ‘rural’ and ‘urban’ in NZ health policy and literature.  

Fearnley, D., Lawrenson, R. Nixon, G. (2016). “‘Poorly defined’: unknown unknowns in New Zealand Rural Health.” New Zealand Medical Journal. 2016;129(1439)