Welcome to Leaning on Fence Posts

brought to you by the Rural section, Department of General Practice and Rural Health

Leaning on Fence Posts is an interdisciplinary rural health blog.  It was established in 2018 to provide up-to-date news and research for rural health professionals and researchers or those just interested in rural health news and views impacting Aotearoa New Zealand and beyond. It is also the home of the Rural section's continuing medical education (CME) programme. Further information on CME activities, including in-person workshops and the Rural Interprofessional Simulation Courses (RISC) can be found here.

We rely on contributions to keep this blog interesting, up-to-date, and informative. If you come across anything you’d like to share please send us the details for consideration with a short commentary describing its value to rural health in NZ.

Showing blog posts within category "Webinar".

Showing 5 to 8 of 22 results.