Rural health podcast from Wales

The first RHCW Podcast


Launch of the first RHCW Podcast!

“Supporting the Health, Care and
Wellbeing of our rural populations – a
quick tour of the Royal Welsh 2023”


We are pleased to confirm that the first RHCW Podcast has now been broadcast and can be listened to either on Spotify or Apple – links to the Spotify episode is below and if you have an Apple device, please search on the Podcast option for “Rural health and Care Wales” where our podcasts will appear. There is also a QR code at the bottom of this message where it can be accessed.


At the moment, the Podcasts are only available in English but we hope to have Welsh versions in the future.



Supporting the health, care and wellbeing of our rural populations – a quick tour of the Royal Welsh 2023


This episode of the monthly Podcasts was recorded at the Royal Welsh show held in Builth Wells, Powys from the 24-27 July 2023. In the Podcast, I chat briefly to the following people regarding a project or initiative they are or have been involved with that impacts the health, care and wellbeing of people living in rural areas of Wales:


  • Jack Evershed, previous Chair of RHCW and now a member of Llais, recalling how RHCW was set up and outlining his new role with Llais
  • Melanie Brindle from Powys County Council talking about their “grow your own” Social Worker programme
  • Natasha Lewis from Adferiad, outlining their mental health and addiction support services
  • Hannah Edwards from Diabetes Cymru explaining how they support people in rural areas that have diabetes
  • Professor Michael Woods from Aberystwyth University explaining a new project he is taking forward with a number of partners that will collate rural data and information and set up innovation labs, working closely with rural communities
  • Gill Rundle from National Federation of Women’s Institutes who explains why they are signing up men to support the “not in my name” campaign
  • Kay Helyar from the DPJ Foundation who outlines the work that the foundation does in supporting the farming community in terms of mental health


We hope you enjoy the discussions, which last around 20 minutes.


Thank you





Lansio Podlediad cyntaf IGGC!



“Cefnogi’r Iechyd, Gofal a Lles ein poblogaethau gwledig – taith cyflym o amgylch y Sioe Frenhinol 2023”


Rydym yn falch o gadarnhau bod podlediad cyntaf IGGC bellach wedi cael ei ddarlledu a gellir gwrando arno naill ai ar Spotify neu Apple – mae dolenni i’r bennod Spotify isod ac os oes gennych ddyfais Apple, chwiliwch ar yr opsiwn Podlediad ar gyfer “Rural Health and Care Wales” lle bydd ein podlediadau yn ymddangos. Mae yna hefyd god QR ar waelod y neges hon lle gellir cael mynediad ato.


Ar hyn o bryd, dim ond yn Saesneg mae’r podlediadau ar gael ond gobeithiwn gael fersiynau Cymraeg yn y dyfodol.



Supporting the health, care and wellbeing of our rural populations – a quick tour of the Royal Welsh 2023


Recordiwyd y bennod hon o’r Podlediadau misol yn y Sioe Frenhinol a gynhaliwyd yn Llanfair-ym-Muallt, Powys rhwng 24-27 Gorffennaf 2023. Yn y Podlediad, rwy’n sgwrsio’n fyr â’r bobl ganlynol ynghylch prosiect neu fenter y maent neu wedi bod yn ymwneud â hi sy’n effeithio ar iechyd, gofal a lles pobl sy’n byw mewn ardaloedd gwledig yng Nghymru:


  • Jack Evershed, cyn Gadeirydd IGGC sydd bellach yn Aelod o Llais, yn son am sut y sefydlwyd IGGC ac amlinellu ei rol newydd gyda Llais
  • Melanie Brindle o Gyngor Sir Powys  yn siarad am eu rhaglen Gweithwyr Cymdeithasol “tyfu eich hun”
  • Natasha Lewis o Adferiad, yn amlinellu eu Gwasanaethau cymorth iechyd meddwl a dibyniaeth
  • Hannah Edwards o Diabetes Cymru yn esbonio sut maen nhw’n cefnogi pobl mewn ardaloedd gwledig sydd â diabetes
  • Yr Athro Michael Woods o Brifysgol Aberystwyth yn esbonio prosiect newydd y mae’n rhedeg gyda nifer o bartneriaid a fydd yn coladu data a gwybodaeth wledig ac yn sefydlu labordai arloesi, gan weithio’n agos gyda chymunedau gwledig
  • Gill Rundle o Ffederasiwn Cenedlaethol Sefydliadau Merched sy’n esbonio pam eu bod yn cofrestru dynion i gefnogi’r ymgyrch “nid yn fy enw i”
  • Kay Helyar o Sefydliad DPJ sy’n amlinellu’r gwaith y mae’r sylfaen yn ei wneud i gefnogi’r gymuned ffermio o ran iechyd meddwl


Gobeithio y byddwch yn mwynhau’r trafodaethau sy’n para tua 20 munud.


Thank you

