Reflection: one journey, two deaths, multiple perspectives

A thought-provoking & powerful essay adapted from one of Katelyn’s assignments for GEN 725 Communication in Rural Hospital Medicine, a great course that includes a residential on a marae in the Hokianga! Katelyn is also a PhD candidate.


Reflection: one journey, two deaths, multiple perspectives

Katelyn Costello

Journal of Primary Health Care –
Published online: 13 August 2021

A thought-provoking & powerful essay adapted from one of Katelyn’s assignments for GEN 725 Communication in Rural Hospital Medicine, a great course that includes a residential on a marae in the Hokianga! Katelyn is also a PhD candidate.


This is a reflective piece from the author around death and dying. It shares her personal story from her own and close family perspectives. It then summaries these experiences into a few key themes and what she hopes are some lessons for doctors involved in the care of a dying person and their whānau.